Reaper Linux Vst Plugins

I’m experiencing a problem with text input with the VeeSeeVSTRack plugin. It does not crash, but it does not accept text input, either.
I’m running the latest Reaper 6.19 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux.
I have done several tests, this plugin does accept text input in BitWig Studio 3.0.3 (I keep it on my machine only to test plugins, I exclusively use Reaper…) The Tracktion software plugin “Collective” accepts text input under Reaper. Also, in this github thread about VeeSeeVSTRack not accepting keyboard input under Reaper:
user taji says:
“Some process-of-elimination I've tried:
a) Other native vst plugins are able to accept keyboard input. I've tested Stochas ( inside Reaper and I can type into it's config fields without issue).
b) Keyboard input into VeeSeeVST works fine when running under Carla host.”
So it seems to be very specific to Reaper/VeeSeeVSTRack. I sincerely hope it is not too much of an edge case to pursue.
If I right-click in an open/blank area of the VeeSeeVSTRack GUI, a window opens to select a module. There are 300+ modules included, so it’s really helpful to be able to search for modules. But I cannot type into the search at the top of that window There is a vertical line cursor, but it is not blinking, and that text area does not allow/receive text input.
I tried pasting text. I got the idea from this Reaper forum post:
But the text area of the popup window doesn’t seem to be active. I tried other things.
In the notes section of the Reaper FX window, if I left-click in the text area and then do Ctrl-V, I get this error:
FX error
No item in clipboard to paste!
But if I right-click in the notes area, I get a menu:
Select all
In the search area at the top of the plugin window, I get the same error if I left-click Ctrl-V. I do not get the above menu if I right-click in the search area.
The module select window works, I can scroll down the window and select a favorite, or click a tag (category) which will then list all modules with that tag, or scroll even farther down and select one of the 300+ included modules, but I cannot enter text in the search area.
Is anyone experiencing this on other platforms?

I switched from Ableton Live to Reaper and I am not switching back. Ableton Live is a great $1000 DAW. Reaper is an amazing DAW for $60. Any track can be anything including video. Plugin support for VST, VSTi, DirectX, Rewire and has 64/32 bit wrappers built in plus.js scripts. Oct 16, 2018 Getting Reaper to recognize Linux VST’s Your installed VST’s are going to reside in /usr/lib/vst/. Perform an ls on the directory to see all the VST plugins that you have installed. Next, we will need to add the directory to Reaper so it will be scanned for plugins. VST-Linux Plugins Dexed. Synth FM; 48K Views Rating: 4.3 /5 (43 votes) “Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha.

EsPhaser is a phaser with up to 4096 stages of order 2 Thiran all-pass filters. This is the same phaser used in EnvelopedSine.

EsPhaser requires CPU which supports AVX or later SIMD instructions.

The package includes following builds:

  • Windows 64bit
  • Linux 64bit
  • macOS 64bit

macOS build isn’t tested because I don’t have Mac. If you found a bug, please file a issue to GitHub repository or send email to

Linux build is built on Ubuntu 18.0.4 and tested on Bitwig and Reaper. If you are using distribution other than Ubuntu 18.04, plugin will not likely run. In this case, please take a look at build instruction.


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Place *.vst3 directory to:

  • /Program Files/Common Files/VST3/ for Windows.
  • $HOME/.vst3/ for Linux.
  • /Users/$USERNAME/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST3/ for macOS.

DAW may provides additional VST3 directory. For more information, please refer to the manual of the DAW.


Extract preset zip, then place preset directory to the OS specific path:

  • Windows : /Users/$USERNAME/Documents/VST3 Presets/Uhhyou
  • Linux : $HOME/.vst3/presets/Uhhyou
  • macOS : /Users/$USERNAME/Library/Audio/Presets/Uhhyou

Preset directory name must be the same as the plugin. Make Uhhyou directory if it does not exist.

Windows Specific

If DAW doesn’t recognize the plugin, try installing C++ redistributable (vc_redist.x64.exe). Installer can be found in the link below.

Linux Specific

On Ubuntu 18.0.4, those packages are required.

If DAW doesn’t recognize the plugin, take a look at Package Requirements section of the link below and make sure all the VST3 related package is installed.

REAPER on Linux may not recognize the plugin. A workaround is to delete a file ~/.config/REAPER/reaper-vstplugins64.ini and restart REAPER.

macOS Specific

When trying to run plugin first time, following message may appear on macOS.

In this case, open terminal and try running following command to unzipped .vst3 directory.

Plugin may be considered as unsigned/un-notarized application. In this case, try following the steps below.

  1. Open terminal and run sudo spctl --master-disable.
  2. Go to System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General → Allow apps downloaded from, then select “Anywhere”.

Beware that steps above degrades security of your system. To revert the settings, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General → Allow apps downloaded from, then select option to “App Store and identified developers”.
  2. Open terminal and run sudo spctl --master-enable.


Color Configuration

At first time, create color config file to:

  • /Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/UhhyouPlugins/style/style.json on Windows.
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/UhhyouPlugins/style/style.json on Linux.
    • If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is empty, make $HOME/.config/UhhyouPlugins/style/style.json.
  • /Users/$USERNAME/Library/Preferences/UhhyouPlugins/style/style.json on macOS.

Below is a example of style.json.

Best vst plugins for ableton. Hex color codes are used.

Mute vst plugin. MUTEOMATIC is an elegant and simple plug-in that automates the activation of a talkback or listen microphone channel according to your DAW’s transport state and boldly displays the channel's.

  • 6 digit color is RGB.
  • 8 digit color is RGBA.

First letter # is conventional. Plugins ignore the first letter of color code, thus ?102938, n11335577 are valid.

Do not use characters outside of 0-9a-f for color value.

  • fontPath: Absolute path to *.ttf font file. Not implemented in VST 3 version.
  • foreground: Text color.
  • foregroundButtonOn: Text color of active toggle button. Recommend to use the same value of foreground or boxBackground.
  • foregroundInactive: Text color of inactive components. Currently, only used for TabView.
  • background: Background color.
  • boxBackground: Background color of inside of box shaped components (Barbox, Button, Checkbox, OptionMenu, TextKnob, VSlider).
  • border: Border color of box shaped components.
  • borderCheckbox: Border color of CheckBox.
  • borderLabel: Line color of parameter section label.
  • unfocused: Color to fill unfocused components. Currently, only used for knobs.
  • highlightMain: Color to indicate focus is on a component. Highlight colors are also used for value of slider components (BarBox and VSlider).
  • highlightAccent: Same as highlightMain. Used for cosmetics.
  • highlightButton: Color to indicate focus is on a button.
  • highlightWarning: Same as highlightMain, but only used for parameters which requires extra caution.
  • overlay: Overlay color. Used to overlay texts and indicators.
  • overlayHighlight: Overlay color to highlight current focus.


Knob and number slider can do:

  • Ctrl + Left Click: Reset value.
  • Shift + Left Drag: Fine adjustment.


When stage is set to 4096, it will be CPU intensive.

Output varies in different sample rate.


Output may be loud when changing Cas. Offset. Use Shift + Left Drag to slowly change the value, or insert limiter to prevent hard clipping.

Block Diagram

If the image is small, use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel or “View Image” on right click menu to scale.

Diagram only shows overview. It’s not exact implementation.



Number of all-pass filter.


Mixing ratio of dry/wet signal of phaser. Dry : Wet becomes 0 : 1 when turned the knob to rightmost.


LFO frequency.

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Spread frequency between LFOs.

Equation for difference of LFO phase in 1 sample:


Amount of feedback. Feedback is disabled when the knob is pointing to 12 o’clock. It becomes negative feedback when turned to left and positive feedback when turned to right.


Range of all-pass filter modulation by LFO.


Minimum value of all-pass filter modulation by LFO.

Cas. Offset

Obs Reaper Vst Plugins

Phase offset between 16 LFO.

L/R Offset

LFO phase offset between L/R channels.


LFO phase. This can be used to make sound with automation. Turning Freq to leftmost sets LFO frequency to 0.

Equation for phase offset:

Change Log

  • 0.1.6
    • Implemented process context requirements.
  • 0.1.5
    • Added check that DSP is initialized or not.
  • 0.1.4
    • Added color configuration.
  • 0.1.3
    • Reverted parameter smoother to the old one which works with variable size audio buffer.
  • 0.1.2
    • Fixed a bug that cause crash when drawing string.
  • 0.1.1
    • Changed display method for pop-up which shows up by clicking plugin title.
  • 0.1.0
    • Initial release.

Old Versions

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EsPhaser is licensed under GPLv3. Complete licenses are linked below.

If the link above doesn’t work, please send email to

About VST

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, registered in Europe and other countries.